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WTF Solidity: 9. Constant and Immutable

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Recently, I have been revisiting Solidity, consolidating the finer details, and writing "WTF Solidity" tutorials for newbies.

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In this section, we will introduce two keywords to restrict modifications to their state in Solidity: constant and immutable. If a state variable is declared with constant or immutable, its value cannot be modified after contract compilation.

Value-typed variables can be declared as constant and immutable; string and bytes can be declared as constant, but not immutable.

constant and immutable


constant variable must be initialized during declaration and cannot be changed afterwards. Any modification attempt will result in error at compilation.

    // The constant variable must be initialized when declared and cannot be changed after that
uint256 constant CONSTANT_NUM = 10;
string constant CONSTANT_STRING = "0xAA";
bytes constant CONSTANT_BYTES = "WTF";
address constant CONSTANT_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;


The immutable variable can be initialized during declaration or in the constructor, which is more flexible.

    // The immutable variable can be initialized in the constructor and cannot be changed later
uint256 public immutable IMMUTABLE_NUM = 9999999999;
address public immutable IMMUTABLE_ADDRESS;
uint256 public immutable IMMUTABLE_BLOCK;
uint256 public immutable IMMUTABLE_TEST;

You can initialize the immutable variable using a global variable such as address(this), block.number, or a custom function. In the following example, we use the test() function to initialize the IMMUTABLE_TEST variable to a value of 9:

    // The immutable variables are initialized with constructor, so that could use
IMMUTABLE_ADDRESS = address(this);
IMMUTABLE_BLOCK = block.number;

function test() public pure returns(uint256){
uint256 what = 9;

Verify on Remix

  1. After the contract is deployed, You can obtain the values of the constant and immutable variables through the getter function.


  2. After constant variable is initialized, any attempt to change its value will result. In the example, the compiler throws: TypeError: Cannot assign to a constant variable.


  3. After immutable variable is initialized, any attempt to change its value will result. In the example, the compiler throws: TypeError: Immutable state variable already initialized.



In this section, we introduced two keywords to restrict modifications to their state in Solidity: constant and immutable. They keep the variables that should not be changed unchanged. It will help to save gas while improving the contract's security.