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WTF Solidity: 7. Mapping

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Recently, I have been revisiting Solidity, consolidating the finer details, and writing "WTF Solidity" tutorials for newbies.

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In this section, we will introduce the hash table in Solidity: mapping type.


With mapping type, people can query the corresponding Value by using a Key. For example, a person's wallet address can be queried by their id.

The format of declaring the mapping is mapping(_KeyType => _ValueType), where _KeyType and _ValueType are the variable types of Key and Value respectively. For example:

    mapping(uint => address) public idToAddress; // id maps to address
mapping(address => address) public swapPair; // mapping of token pairs, from address to address

Rules of mapping

  • Rule 1: The _KeyType should be selected among default types in solidity such as uint, address, etc. No custom struct can be used. However, _ValueType can be any custom types. The following example will throw an error, because _KeyType uses a custom struct:
      // define a struct
struct Student{
uint256 id;
uint256 score;
mapping(Student => uint) public testVar;
  • Rule 2: The storage location of the mapping must be storage: it can serve as the state variable or the storage variable inside function. But it can't be used in arguments or return results of public function.

  • Rule 3: If the mapping is declared as public then Solidity will automatically create a getter function for you to query for the Value by the Key.

  • Rule 4:The syntax of adding a key-value pair to a mapping is _Var[_Key] = _Value, where _Var is the name of the mapping variable, and _Key and _Value correspond to the new key-value pair. For example:

    function writeMap (uint _Key, address _Value) public {
idToAddress[_Key] = _Value;

Principle of mapping

  • Principle 1: The mapping does not store any key information or length information.

  • Principle 2: Mapping use keccak256(key) as offset to access value.

  • Principle 3: Since Ethereum defines all unused space as 0, all key that are not assigned a value will have an initial value of 0.

Verify on Remix (use Mapping.sol as example)

  • Deploy Mapping.sol


  • Check initial value of map idToAddress.


  • Write new key-value pair



In this section,we introduced the mapping type in Solidity. So far, we've learned all kinds of common variables.