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WTF Solidity 38. NFT Exchange

I have been revisiting Solidity lately to review the details and create a "WTF Solidity Tutorial" for beginners (professional programmers may find other tutorials more suitable), with 1-3 updates per week.

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"Opensea" is the largest NFT trading platform on Ethereum with a total trading volume of $30 billion. Opensea charges a fee of 2.5% on transactions, meaning it has made at least $750 million in profits through user transactions. Additionally, its operation is not decentralized, and it has no plans to issue coins to compensate users. NFT players have been frustrated with Opensea for a long time. Today, we use smart contracts to build a zero-fee decentralized NFT exchange: NFTSwap.

Design Logic

  • Seller: The party selling the NFT can list the item, revoke the listing, and update the price.
  • Buyer: The party buying the NFT can purchase the item.
  • Order: The on-chain NFT order published by the seller. A series of the same tokenId can have a maximum of one order, which includes the listing price and owner information. When an order is completed or revoked, the information is cleared.

NFTSwap Contract


The contract includes four events corresponding to the actions of listing (list), revoking (revoke), updating the price (update), and purchasing (purchase) the NFT.

    event List(address indexed seller, address indexed nftAddr, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 price);
event Purchase(address indexed buyer, address indexed nftAddr, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 price);
event Revoke(address indexed seller, address indexed nftAddr, uint256 indexed tokenId);
event Update(address indexed seller, address indexed nftAddr, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 newPrice);


An NFT order is abstracted as the Order structure, which contains information about the listing price (price) and the owner (owner). The nftList mapping records the NFT series (contract address) and tokenId information that the order corresponds to.

    // Define the order structure
struct Order{
address owner;
uint256 price;
// NFT Order mapping
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Order)) public nftList;

Fallback Function

In NFTSwap, users purchase NFT using ETH. Therefore, the contract needs to implement the fallback() function to receive ETH.

    fallback() external payable{}


The safe transfer function of ERC721 checks whether the receiving contract has implemented the onERC721Received() function and returns the correct selector. After the user places an order, the NFT needs to be sent to the NFTSwap contract. Therefore, the NFTSwap contract inherits the IERC721Receiver interface and implements the onERC721Received() function.

This is a smart contract named "NFTSwap" that implements the interface "IERC721Receiver". The function "onERC721Received" is defined to receive ERC721 tokens. It takes four parameters:

  • "operator": the address that called the function
  • "from": the address that transferred the token to the contract
  • "tokenId": the ID of the ERC721 token that was transferred
  • "data": additional data that can be sent with the token transfer

The function returns the selector of the "onERC721Received" function from "IERC721Receiver" interface.


The contract implements 4 functions related to trading:

  • Listing list(): The seller creates an NFT, creates an order, and releases the List event. The parameters are the NFT contract address _nftAddr, corresponding _tokenId of NFT, and listing price _price (Note: the unit is wei). After successful, the NFT will transfer from the seller to the NFTSwap contract.
    // List: The seller lists NFT on sale, contract address is _nftAddr, tokenId is _tokenId, price is _price in ether (unit is wei)
function list(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _price) public{
IERC721 _nft = IERC721(_nftAddr); // Declare an interface contract variable IERC721
require(_nft.getApproved(_tokenId) == address(this), "Need Approval"); // The contract is approved
require(_price > 0); // The price is greater than 0

Order storage _order = nftList[_nftAddr][_tokenId]; // Set the NFT holder and price
_order.owner = msg.sender;
_order.price = _price;
// Transfer NFT to the contract
_nft.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenId);

// Release List event
emit List(msg.sender, _nftAddr, _tokenId, _price);
  • revoke(): Seller cancels the order and releases the Revoke event. Parameters include the NFT contract address _nftAddr and the corresponding _tokenId. After successful execution, the NFT will be returned to the seller from the NFTSwap contract.
// cancel order: seller cancels the order
function revoke(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId) public {
Order storage _order = nftList[_nftAddr][_tokenId]; // get the order
require(_order.owner == msg.sender, "Not Owner"); // must be initiated by the owner
// declare IERC721 interface contract variables
IERC721 _nft = IERC721(_nftAddr);
require(_nft.ownerOf(_tokenId) == address(this), "Invalid Order"); // NFT is in the contract

// transfer NFT to seller
_nft.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _tokenId);
delete nftList[_nftAddr][_tokenId]; // delete order

// emit Revoke event
emit Revoke(msg.sender, _nftAddr, _tokenId);
  • Modify price update(): The seller modifies the price of the NFT order and releases the Update event. The parameters are the NFT contract address _nftAddr, the corresponding _tokenId of the NFT, and the updated order price _newPrice (Note: The unit is wei).
    // Adjust Price: Seller adjusts the listing price
function update(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _newPrice) public {
require(_newPrice > 0, "Invalid Price"); // NFT price must be greater than 0
Order storage _order = nftList[_nftAddr][_tokenId]; // Get the Order
require(_order.owner == msg.sender, "Not Owner"); // It must be initiated by the owner
// Declare IERC721 interface contract variable
IERC721 _nft = IERC721(_nftAddr);
require(_nft.ownerOf(_tokenId) == address(this), "Invalid Order"); // NFT is in the contract

// Adjust the NFT price
_order.price = _newPrice;

// Release Update event
emit Update(msg.sender, _nftAddr, _tokenId, _newPrice);
  • Purchase: The buyer pays with ETH to purchase the NFT on the order, and triggers the Purchase event. The parameters are the NFT contract address _nftAddr and the corresponding _tokenId of the NFT. Upon success, the ETH will be transferred to the seller and the NFT will be transferred from the NFTSwap contract to the buyer.
    // Purchase: A buyer purchases an NFT with ETH attached, the contract address is _nftAddr, tokenId is _tokenId
function purchase(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId) payable public {
Order storage _order = nftList[_nftAddr][_tokenId]; // Get Order
require(_order.price > 0, "Invalid Price"); // The NFT price is greater than 0
require(msg.value >= _order.price, "Increase price"); // The purchase price is greater than the asking price
// Declare IERC721 interface contract variable
IERC721 _nft = IERC721(_nftAddr);
require(_nft.ownerOf(_tokenId) == address(this), "Invalid Order"); // The NFT is in the contract

// Transfer the NFT to the buyer
_nft.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _tokenId);
// Transfer ETH to the seller, refund any excess ETH to the buyer

delete nftList[_nftAddr][_tokenId]; // Delete order

// Release Purchase event
emit Purchase(msg.sender, _nftAddr, _tokenId, msg.value);

Implementation in Remix

1. Deploy the NFT contract

Refer to the ERC721 tutorial to learn about NFTs and deploy the WTFApe NFT contract.

Deploy the NFT contract

Mint the first NFT to yourself. This is done so that you can perform operations such as listing the NFT and modifying its price in the future.

The mint(address to, uint tokenId) function takes two parameters:

to: The address to which the NFT will be minted. This is usually your own wallet address.

tokenId: Since the WTFApe contract defines a total of 10,000 NFTs, the first two NFTs to be minted here have tokenId values of 0 and 1, respectively.

Mint NFT

In the WTFApe contract, use ownerOf to confirm that you own the NFT with tokenId equal to 0.

The ownerOf(uint tokenId) function takes one parameter:

tokenId: tokenId is the unique identifier of the NFT, and in this example, it refers to the 0 id generated during the minting process described above.

Confirming NFT ownership

Using the above method, mint NFTs with tokenId 0 and 1 for yourself. For tokenId 0, execute a purchase update operation, and for tokenId 1, execute a delisting operation.

2. Deploying the NFTSwap contract

Deploy the NFTSwap contract.

Deploying the `NFTSwap` contract

3. Authorizing the NFTSwap contract to list the NFT for sale

In the WTFApe contract, call the approve() authorization function to grant permission for the NFTSwap contract to list the tokenId 0 NFT that you own for sale.

The approve(address to, uint tokenId) method has 2 parameters:

to: The address tokenId will be authorized to be transferred to, in this case, the address of the NFTSwap contract.

tokenId: tokenId is the unique identifier of the NFT, and in this example, it refers to the 0 id generated during the minting process described above.

Following the method above, authorizes the NFT with tokenId of 1 to the NFTSwap contract address.

4. List the NFT for Sale

Call the list() function of the NFTSwap contract to list the NFT with tokenId of 0 that is held by the caller on the NFTSwap. Set the price to 1 wei.

The list(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _price) method has 3 parameters:

_nftAddr: _nftAddr is the NFT contract address, which in this case is the WTFApe contract address.

_tokenId: _tokenId is the ID of the NFT, which in this case is the minted 0 ID mentioned above.

_price: _price is the price of the NFT, which in this case is 1 wei.

Following the above method, list the NFT with tokenId of 1 that is held by the caller on the NFTSwap and set the price to 1 wei.

5. View Listed NFTs.

Call the nftList() function of the NFTSwap contract to view the listed NFT.

nftList: is a mapping of NFT Orders with the following structure:

nftList[_nftAddr][_tokenId]: Input _nftAddr and _tokenId, and return an NFT order.

6. Update NFT Price

Call the update() function of the NFTSwap contract to update the price of NFT with tokenId 0 to 77 wei.

The update(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _newPrice) method has three parameters:

_nftAddr: _nftAddr is the address of the NFT contract, which in this case is the WTFApe contract address.

_tokenId: _tokenId is the id of the NFT, which in this case is 0, the id of the minted NFT mentioned above.

_newPrice: _newPrice is the new price of the NFT, which in this case is 77 wei.

After executing update(), call nftList to view the updated price.

5. Dismantle NFT

Call the revoke() function of the NFTSwap contract to dismantle the NFT.

In the above article, we put up two NFTs with tokenId of 0 and 1, respectively. In this method, we are dismantling the NFT with tokenId as 1.

The revoke(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId) function has 2 parameters:

_nftAddr: The _nftAddr is the address of the NFT contract, which is the WTFApe contract address in this example.

_tokenId: The _tokenId is the id of the NFT, which is the 1 Id for the minting in this example.

Call the nftList() function of the NFTSwap contract to see that the NFT has been dismantled. It will require reauthorization to put it up again.

Note that after taking down the NFT, you need to start again from step 3, authorize and relist the NFT before purchasing.

6. Purchase NFT

Switch to another account and call the purchase() function of the NFTSwap contract to buy an NFT. When purchasing, you need to input the NFT contract address, tokenId, and the amount of ETH you want to pay.

We took down the NFT with tokenId 1, but there is still an NFT with tokenId 0 available for purchase.

The purchase(address _nftAddr, uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _wei) method has three parameters:

_nftAddr: _nftAddr is the NFT contract address, which is the WTFApe contract address in this example.

_tokenId: _tokenId is the ID of the NFT, which is 0 as we minted it earlier.

_wei: _wei is the amount of ETH to be paid, which is 77 wei in this example.

7. Verify change of NFT owner.

After a successful purchase, calling the ownerOf() function of the WTFApe contract shows that the NFT owner has changed, indicating a successful purchase!

In summary, in this lecture, we built a zero-fee decentralized NFT exchange. Although OpenSea has made significant contributions to the development of NFTs, its disadvantages are also very obvious: high transaction fees, no reward for users, and trading mechanisms that can easily lead to phishing attacks, causing users to lose their assets. Currently, new NFT trading platforms such as Looksrare and dydx are challenging the position of OpenSea, and Uniswap is also researching new NFT exchanges. We believe that in the near future, we will have better NFT exchanges to use.