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WTF Ethers: 7. Retrieve Events

I've been revisiting ethers.js recently to refresh my understanding of the details and to write a simple tutorial called "WTF Ethers" for beginners.

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Note: This tutorial is based on ethers.js v6. If you are using v5, you can refer to the WTF Ethers v5.

In this lesson, we will learn how to use ethers.js to read events emitted by smart contracts. If you are not familiar with events in Solidity, you can read about them in the "Event" section of the WTF Solidity Lesson 12.

For more details, refer to the ethers.js documentation.


Events emitted by smart contracts are stored in the logs of the Ethereum virtual machine. Logs consist of two parts: the topics and the data. The event hash and indexed variables are stored in the topics for efficient queries, while non-indexed variables are stored in the data and cannot be directly queried but can store more complex data structures.

Take the Transfer event in an ERC20 token contract as an example. It is declared in the contract as follows:

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

It records three variables: from, to, and amount, which correspond to the address the tokens are sent from, the address they are sent to, and the transfer amount, respectively. The from and to variables have the indexed keyword. When a transfer occurs, the Transfer event is logged and can be viewed on etherscan.

Transfer Event

From the above image, you can see that the Transfer event is logged in the EVM log. The Topics contain three pieces of data corresponding to the event hash, the from address, and the to address. The Data contains only one piece of data, which is the transfer amount.

Retrieving Events

We can use the queryFilter() function of the contract type in Ethers to read events emitted by contracts.

const transferEvents = await contract.queryFilter('event name', starting block, ending block);

queryFilter() has three parameters: the event name (required), the starting block (optional), and the ending block (optional). The retrieval results will be returned as an array.

Note: The event to be retrieved must be included in the contract's ABI.

Example: Retrieving Transfer Events from the WETH Contract

  1. Create a provider.

    import { ethers } from "ethers";
    // Connect to the Ethereum network using Alchemy's RPC node
    // You can refer to for Alchemy API preparation
    const ALCHEMY_GOERLI_URL = '';
    const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(ALCHEMY_GOERLI_URL);
  2. Create an abi that includes the event to be retrieved.

    // WETH ABI, only including the Transfer event of interest
    const abiWETH = [
    "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount)"
  3. Declare an instance of the WETH contract.

    // Testnet WETH address
    const addressWETH = '0xb4fbf271143f4fbf7b91a5ded31805e42b2208d6'
    // Declare the contract instance
    const contract = new ethers.Contract(addressWETH, abiWETH, provider)
  4. Retrieve the Transfer events within the last 10 blocks and print one event. We can see that the topics contain three pieces of data corresponding to the event hash, the from address, and the to address, while the data only contains one piece of data, which is the amount. Additionally, ethers automatically parses the event based on the ABI, and the parsed event is shown in the args member.

    // Get the current block
    const block = await provider.getBlockNumber()
    console.log(`Current block number: ${block}`);
    console.log(`Printing event details:`);
    const transferEvents = await contract.queryFilter('Transfer', block - 10, block)
    // Print the first Transfer event

    Print Event

  5. Read the parsed results of the event.

    // Parse the Transfer event data (variables are in args)
    console.log("\n2. Parsing the event:");
    const amount = ethers.formatUnits(ethers.getBigInt(transferEvents[0].args["amount"]), "ether");
    console.log(`Address ${transferEvents[0].args["from"]} transferred ${amount} WETH to address ${transferEvents[0].args["to"]}`);

    Parse Event


In this lesson, we reviewed events in Solidity and learned how to retrieve events emitted by smart contracts using ethers. One important thing to note is that the event to be retrieved must be included in the contract's ABI.